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In conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2016), the first Conference on the Economic Development of the Arctic was held on 18 June 2016 in St. Petersburg.
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The Northern Forum is happy to announce the return of the State of Alaska and Finnish Lapland to the Northern Forum.
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On May 16, 2016, an international seminar for the reindeer meat industry was held at the Embassy of Norway in Moscow. Entitled "A Future Vision for the Reindeer Meat Industry: The role of new technologies and traditional knowledge”, the seminar was held within the framework of the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group EALLU project.
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Last week, on February 11 at one of the most respected restaurants in the city Yakutsk "Muus Khaya", which belongs to the company "Pure water» - CEO Egor Petrovich Makarov, held the first meeting of the Working mounting board on the organization of the International Annual reindeer crossing through Verkhoyansk Range.
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Tromso, Northern Norway, January 24-29, 2016. International organization of governors of northern regions «Northern Forum» has condcuted roundtable discussion on theme «Role of Regional Governments and Local Communities in Sustainable Development of the Arctic» during international conference «Arctic Frontiers – 2016» held in Tromso, Norway from 24th to 29th of January 2016.
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С 18 по 20 февраля 2016 года в г. Красноярске при поддержке Правительства Российской Федерации состоится 13-й Красноярский экономический форум.
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Leader of the Northern Forum working group on Infectious diseases has been proclaimed the best Phthisitatry center in Far East Russia and Siberia.
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5th International forum “Arctic: present and future” took place in St. Petersburg. This large-scale forum is held annually. The Northern Forum took part in this event, with several participants – the Northern Forum Chair (Governor of Krasnoyarsky krai) Victor Tolokonsky, NF RCC Chair Yuri Zakharinsky (Deputy chair of Krasnoyarsky krai government) and the NF Executive Mikhail Pogodaev.
This year the Forum has gained more momentum with over 1,000 participants attending. Notable participants were: Vice chair of the Russian government Dmitry Rogozin (also leads Russian State Commission on development of the Arctic), Federal ministers, members of State Duma, heads of Russian regions, polar explorers, representatives of industrial corporations and INGOs. The Forum itself was organized by a Russian Association of Polar Explorers. Under lead of a well-known polar explorer Artur Chilingarov, who also is a special representative of the Russian President to international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic.
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The Northern Forum Executive Mikhail Pogodaevtook part in the international conference “In the Spirit of the Rovaniemi Process” in Arctic capital of Lapland, Finland – Rovaniemi.
2nd Local and Global Arctic 2015 International Conference is organized by city of Rovaniemi, Unviersity of Lapland, Arctic Research Center and Arctic society of Finland.
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Despite all of talking about the future development of the Arctic, the region lives in conditions of acute shortage of railways and roads, and water transport aircraft.
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Governor of Krasnoyarsky krai Victor Tolokonsky, has participated in a joint meeting of Russian Federal Presidium of the Expert Council on Arctic and Antarctic during a working visit to Moscow. The council was chaired by the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko and Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, chairman of the State Commission on the Development of the Arctic, Dmitry Rogozin.
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Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Egor Borisov spoke at a joint meeting of the Presidium of the Expert Council for the Arctic and Antarctic to the Council of the Federation with the members of the State Commission on the Development of the Arctic.