SAO Oulu 2017 1

Arctic Council’s Senior Arctic Officials meeting held in Oulu, Finland, on 25-26 October 2017, was attended by representatives of the eight Arctic states and six indigenous Permanent Participant organizations, as well as the Arctic Council’s six Working Groups and more than thirty Observers. The Northern Forum was represented by the Governor of Lapland Mika Riipi and NF Executive Director, Mikhail Pogodaev.

Конференция сибирские угры

OCTOBER 30 – 31, 2017, Khanty-Mansiysk is hosting the II International Research Conference “Siberian Ugric People in a Necklace of Subarctic Cultures: Common and Unique”. The event will be attended by international researchers from Hungary, Finland, United States, as well as experts in Siberian ethnography, history, museology, and tourism from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Ekaterinburg, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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OCTOBER 27th, Egor Borisov, Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), took part in the XXX session of the Foreign Ministry's Council of the Heads of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation chaired by Sergey Lavrov. The main discussion topic was the regional experience of cooperation with civil society institutions for the promotion of Russian interests on the international agenda.

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Today the Arctic Council will gather for 2-day Senior Arctic Officials' meeting in Oulu, Finland. This will be the first SAO meeting held during the Finnish Chairmanship in the Arctic Council (2017-2019).

Mika Riipi Arctic Circle 2017

The annual Arctic Circle Assembly concluded yesterday in Reykjavik, Iceland. This year the Assembly was held for the fifth time from October 13th to October 15th


The Arctic is the most unusual region on our planet and it is not surprising that it is called enigmatic and mysterious, because this region is hiding many miracles.


As we all know, the Arctic is one of the most important energy sources in the world. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) the Arctic has about 13 % (90 billion barrels) of the world´s undiscovered conventional oil resources and 30 % of its undiscovered conventional natural gas resources. On the other hand, Arctic Regions are ideal source for renewable energy like hydro power, wind power and geothermal power. In coastal regions, tidal power is also available. In the most sparsely populated Arctic the main energy source is still diesel oil and in the northernmost regions of the Nordic countries the amount of renewable energies is about 90 % of energy and it is still increasing in the near future.


The municipality of Akureyri with its 18.300 inhabitants in northern Iceland has been working strategically in green growth over the past decade. Vistorka is a municipally owned company that was established in 2015 to facilitate the transition towards a zero-carbon future in Akureyri by providing support to start-up companies in the field of clean energy and green solutions. Vistorka’s focus is on promoting the production of renewable fuels, fertilisers, and feeds from waste streams. Akureyri municipality has a low-carbon footprint because of its high share of geothermal and hydropower energy in final electricity and heat consumption.


Today the author and producer of the popular program “Otmorozhennaya” (“Frozen”) Ekaterina Karpukhina presents a part of the Yakutian Arctic – Tiksi settlement. All video releases by Ekaterina are interesting, because they reveal a special view of traditions,  culture of the local population is intertwined with pictures of the living conditions of people from different regions of Yakutia. It is interesting to know how one of the 13 Arctic regional centers of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) will be presented in the photoreport.


The shores of Arctic Yakutia are the “world champions” in terms of the rate of destruction.

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“For the northern regions, alternative energy is not only a saving of diesel fuel, but also an opportunity to preserve the marvels of northern nature. During 2016 “Sakhaenergo” has saved 270.88 tons of diesel fuel, thus preventing the release of 0.776 tons of pollutants into the atmosphere.”

The interests of many countries are intertwined in the Arctic, what makes the Arctic a region of international importance. The geopolitical location, huge resource potential and strategic interests of the leading countries of the world were the catalyst for the formation of Arctic cooperation and its further development to promote the region as a territory of peace and dialogue.  Mikhail Pogodaev, Executive Director of the Northern Forum, one of the most active participants of the Arctic cooperation, told us about the regional cooperation in the field of energy in the Arctic.