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Source: Press service of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


In the conditions of the economic crisis and sanctions, the Arctic is a promising market for canned products.


At the event, the students of grades 8-10 learned about the countries of the Arctic region and outstanding Russian diplomats.


The 4th Northern Sustainable Development Forum Information Letter 


The Northern Forum Secretariat was visited by a delegation of the Republic of India consisting of the Consul General of the Republic of India in Vladivostok Mr. Seviti Sai Murali, Vice-Consul of the Consulate General of India in Vladivostok Mr. Ajay Kumar Thakur, businessman Mr. Krishan Goyal Kumar and interpreter Maria Moshkina.

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The Northern Forum Secretariat held a meeting with the representatives of the North-Eastern Federal University


On behalf of the Northern Forum International Organization of Northern Regions, we congratulate the residents of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) on the 100th anniversary of establishment of Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialistic Republic.

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The Northern Forum took an active part in the activities of the “School of Living in the North” project, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Alaska-Siberia Air Route.

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The official pages of the Northern Forum are now on Telegram and VKontakte social media.

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Sergei Vereschagin, Deputy Chair of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Krai, has been appointed as the new Regional Coordinator of the Northern Forum. 

Northern Forum logo

The Northern Forum informs about continuing its operation in accordance with the tasks set for the year, with possible adjustments. The Secretariat conducts analytical work and develops proposals for improving the Development Strategy and widening the scope of the Northern Forum. 

Arctic post

The conservation of biodiversity in the Arctic was discussed at the meeting of Project Office for Arctic Development (PORA) discussion club. The online conference was attended by the representatives of research centers for northern studies, protected areas, and private biodiversity conservation projects. More than 21,000 species inhabit in the Arctic. Climate change and human activity can cause serious consequences for the biodiversity of the Far North. In this regard, the importance of programs, projects and strategies aimed at conserving the Arctic ecosystem and its species is growing. During the discussion, the ongoing biodiversity conservation projects in the Arctic zone of Russia, their results and prospects, as well as partnership opportunities for their implementation were considered. 

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On March 30, 2022, a meeting was held with the Executive Director of the Northern Forum Vladimir Vasilev and Director of the Department of International Cooperation - Vice-Rector for International Affairs Nurgun Maximov.