At the event, the students of grades 8-10 learned about the countries of the Arctic region and outstanding Russian diplomats.

The students presented the countries and public organizations of the Arctic Council in a game format.

Vladimir Vasilev noted that under the Russian Chairmanship, the Northern Forum, as the Arctic Council observer organization, has assumed heavy obligations to organize a number of major events and projects. Because of that, the geography of the Northern Forum is expanding and its cooperation with many regions and organizations is getting stronger.

The first meeting of the Children's Arctic Council took place thanks to the regional public organization supporting innovative projects “School of New Opportunities”. It aims to promote the interests of the Russian Federation: development of children's and youth international cooperation, sharing children's public diplomacy experience, establishment of international contacts between the students of the Arctic regions, other countries and public organizations. 

Video of the event by the Chukotka State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company: