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The Arctic Council published a report by Einar Gunnarsson, Chair of the Senior Arctic Officials. It is dedicated to the first year of the Icelandic chairmanship (2019-2021). The Arctic Council is an international organization promoting cooperation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development in the Arctic. In the years 2021-2023, the Russian Federation will accept the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.
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The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic and scientists are contemplating to restore a monitoring system that would allow them to look at the condition of permafrost in the Russian Arctic and forecast the risks of its degrading. According to the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic minister, a draft plan to restore such a system should be prepared by the end of the year.
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Dear friends, the Northern Forum Secretariat congratulates you on the Day of Russia!
June 12, 1990 is one of the most important historical dates as it commemorates a starting point for the modern history of the Russian statehood. On June 12, 1990 the first gathering of deputies of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic adopted the "Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR". June 12 became national holiday since 1992 as "Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia." On the same day, the first open elections of the President of Russia took place.
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University of the Arctic have made the decision to postpone UArctic Congress (originally scheduled to take place in Reykjavik, Iceland Oct 6-8, 2020) until May 2021 in conjunction with the Arctic Council Ministerial.
Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic, UArctic has made the decision to postpone the held of UArctic Congress in the interests of the safety and well-being of the Arctic community.
The rescheduled UArctic Congress will continue to have a strong link to the Arctic Council chairmanship program. The event will be arranged in conjunction with the Ministerial meeting, during which the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council will be handed over from Iceland to Russia.
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Acting Executive Director of the Northern Forum Daryana Maximova participated in the plenary session of SDWG virtual meeting, held on June 8-9 2020.
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Pursuant to the international Convention on Biological Diversity adopted by Russia, the size of marine protected areas shall reach 10 percent of its exclusive economic zone by 2020. Currently, this indicator is about 2.4 percent, as Director of WWF Russia Dmitry Gorshkov said in his interview on the Future of Russia: National Projects website.
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The forum is planned to be held on September 27 – 30, 2020. The experts from Canada, the USA, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are expected to participate.
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World Environment Day is annually celebrated on June 5th and was first established by the UN General Assembly in 1972. The reason for this worldwide action was the appeal to the UN General Secretary received on May 11, 1971. The appeal was signed by 2,200 scientists and cultural activists from 23 countries.
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The Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions as well as the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area welcomed the most tourists in the Russian Arctic in 2019.
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President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved a state of emergency in Krasnoyarsk Krai, due to the incident in Norilsk. Mining company involved said the catastrophe may have been caused by climate change.
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Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic and the Agency for Human Capital Development in the Russian Far East and the Arctic invite young people to join the team that is involved in the development of the Arctic. If you want to get a job or take an internship at the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic or the Agency for Human Capital Development, you are welcome to take part in the open competition “Arctic Team” from June 1-21.