Title: Arctic Food Security
Dates: March 1-4, 2022
Event format: hybrid
Credits: 2 credits, 72 hours
School language: Russian / English
Organizers: ASAU, Youth Northern Forum.
Participants (countries): Brazil, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Canada, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, etc.
Traditional diets have transformed dramatically in the Arctic and the North. It is necessary to understand the impact of these transformations in regards to both human health and culture. The winter school lecturers will tell about the traditional foods, agriculture in conditions of “double cold” (permafrost and low air temperatures), food security, animal breeding, food storage technologies in the North etc. Arctic food knowledge largely consists of Indigenous knowledge on collection, preservation and joint consumption of food. Knowledge of food and its sources is vital for keeping and restoring Indigenous cultures, health and well-being. We invite everyone interested to participate in the Arctic Food Knowledge Winter School.
Applications for participation are accepted until February 21, 2022 inclusive.
Registration via link: https://forms.gle/YY3sQTst6EqMGh417
Contacts: Irina Dranaeva - head of international department, organizer.
mobile: +79248682585