Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the proposal of Ugra Governor Natalia Komarova to include the Berezovsky and Beloyarsky districts into the Arctic zone.


"This is the most important decision - new opportunities and new responsibility for you and me for development, for investment," Natalia Komarova emphasised during a meeting with residents of the Berezovsky district, which took place as part of a working trip to the municipality.


It should be noted that the Arctic development strategy provides for the development of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries, the development and implementation of a programme of geological exploration of the Arctic zone, and the development of new mineral deposits. One of the envisaged tools for the economic development of the Arctic zone is the introduction of a special economic regime to facilitate private investment in the creation of new and modernisation of existing industrial production facilities.


The document outlines the need to modernise health care facilities, social infrastructure, increase the availability of social services, state support for housing construction, as well as engineering and social infrastructure facilities, simplified procedure for granting land plots, elimination of negative environmental impacts of human economic activity, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and languages of small-numbered peoples.


The Berezovsky and Beloyarsky districts of Ugra correspond to the territories with the features specified in the Arctic Zone Development Strategy, including low population density, high potential for the development of hydrocarbons and solid minerals such as manganese, chrome and copper ores, zinc, lead, quartz.


It should be reminded that earlier, on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian Government Mikhail Mishustin signed a resolution on the establishment of the UNITY PARK innovative scientific and technical centre in Ugra. The document reflects the main activities of the INTC, such as the development of advanced engineering technologies and materials adapted to the conditions of the North and the Arctic, in the field of energy security, as well as scientific research in the field of medicine. Thus, Ugra has secured its role as one of the basic regions of Russia in the development of the Arctic.