

We invite you to take part in the All-Russian Conference of Finno-Ugric Writers with international participation, which will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk with online participants.


The conference will bring together writers, representatives of science in the field of literature, linguistics and ethnography, book publishing, representatives of libraries and educational institutions, translators to discuss a set of relevant issues in the field of Finno-Ugric literature.


The aim of the conference is to promote the development of literature, languages and culture, strengthen cultural ties and preserve the ethnic identity of Finno-Ugric peoples.


Conference objectives:
Forming a comprehensive view of the of Finno-Ugric literature and culture phenomenon in modern times;
Ensuring the formation of continuity of Finno-Ugric literature;
Revealing the actual state of book publishing in Finno-Ugric languages and about Finno-Ugric territories.


The conference will discuss the current state and the future of Finno-Ugric literature during plenary sessions and sections devoted to translation, research of Finno-Ugric literature and problems of continuity of national literatures. There will also be a section dedicated to Eva Schmidt, the researcher of Ob-Ugric languages and culture.

The educational sections will be organized for aspiring authors and children. The Finno-Ugric Media School and the Storyteller's School are planned as part of the children's programme. Beginning authors are invited to take part in the Literary Workshop, the Ethnographic Writer's Laboratory and a masterclass dedicated to the creation of literary and ethnographic guidebooks. The exhibition "Finno-Ugric Book World", book presentations and meetings with authors are intended for a wide audience.

The conference agenda and the list of participants are at https://ugralit.okrlib.ru/.


Format of participation in the conference:

Online/offline participation with a report and its publication in the electronic collection of materials;
Online/offline participation as a listener.


The conference will be broadcast on the Internet, the link will be sent to all registrants on the eve of the conference.

You can register for the conference at https://ugralit.okrlib.ru/, the requirements for abstracts and papers (articles) are also available there.

Participation in the conference is free of charge, travelling costs are covered by participants.


1 May - 1 August - registration on the website;
Until 15 August - submission of the abstract of the report (article) to the e-mail address ;
By 31 August - notification of acceptance (rejection) of the application for participation with a speech, publication in the collection;
Until 1 October - submission of the full text of the report (article) to the e-mail address .


For questions on participation in the conference contact:
628007, Khanty-Mansiysk, Mira St., 2, State Library of Ugra;
Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Activities - 8(3467) 33-33-21 (ext. 304); .
Department of local history literature and bibliography - tel/fax: 8(3467) 33-33-21 (ext. 319); .