Tsar speaks

 November 22–23, 2018 in Naryan-Mar, NAO


The Arctic territories have a number of features influencing the conditions and quality of medical services provided to the population: considerable remoteness of localities and absence of mature transport infrastructure, expensive air ambulance and its dependence on harsh climate conditions, as well as shortage of medical specialists. Implementation of information technologies and telemedicine in everyday practice of medical aid provision can improve the quality of life and labor conditions in the Far North.

The amendments to the federal laws related to the use of information technologies in healthcare became effective in January 2018. Among others, these amendments have created a legal framework for using telemedicine.


Goal of the Conference

Discussion of issues related to the use of information technologies to ensure accessibility and quality of medical aid in the conditions of the Far North (Arctic zone).



- Exchange of experience in using information and communication technologies in healthcare in the Arctic region.

- Elaboration of recommendations on organizational, financial and economic, and legal aspects of development of electronic healthcare in the conditions of the Far North.

- Acquaintance with innovative telemedicine developments (solutions) and prospects of their application in the Arctic conditions.

- Discussion of issues of integration of telemedicine technologies with medical information systems of healthcare institutions.

- Discussion of the need to adopt other by-laws regulating the use of telemedicine technologies.

- Discussion of prospects of implementation and development of standards of telemedicine services.


Topic of the Conference

1. Analysis of the current state and development prospects of electronic healthcare.

2. Legal regulation of electronic healthcare – problems and possible solutions.

3. Practical experience of implementation of medical information systems.

4. Experience of application of telemedicine technologies in providing medical aid to the population.

5. Innovative technological, technical and organizational telemedicine solutions.

6. Information protection in organization and provision of medical aid using telemedicine technologies.

7. Remote monitoring of people's health, organization of preventive work and promotion of healthy lifestyle.

8. Remote education and training technologies.


Key Dates

March 5, 2018 – registration and papers (publications) submission opens

October 22, 2018 – papers (publications) submission closes

November 9, 2018 – registration of speakers closes

November 12, 2018 – approval of the conference program

November 21, 2018 – arrival of participants

November 22–23, 2018 – work of the conference


Forms of Participation

Report (including publication)

Poster report (including publication)

Without report

Exposition (within the exhibition of telemedicine solutions)


Terms of Participation

Participation in the conference and publication of materials are free of charge.

Travel costs and hotel accommodation are at the participants' expense.


You can submit an application by filling in the online registration form on the official website www.arctelemed.ru or by sending an email to:.

If you apply for participation with a report/poster report, please, provide also abstracts of your report (no more than two A4 pages).

The rules for preparing materials for publications are available on the official website of the conference: www.arctelemed.ru.


Pursuant to the terms of participation in the exhibition of telemedicine solutions, you should contact the Executive Secretariat of the conference.


Executive Secretariat:

Telephone – (81853) 4-22-52

Email –