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On June 23, 2023 in Yakutsk at the North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) hosted the international forum "Yakutia and the provinces of China: sister city relationship in order to strengthen Russian-Chinese relations."

The plenary session "The Power of Partnerships: Cooperation for Long-term Success" was held with the participation of the Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Khabarovsk Jiang Xiaoyang.


At the plenary session, Chairman of the Russian-Asian Consortium for Arctic Research (RACAR), Rector of NEFU Anatoly Nikolaev made a special emphasis on the activities and development of RACAR.


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The Chinese delegation arrived in Yakutsk during the celebration of the national holiday Yhyakh, consisting of more than 100 delegates from Heilongjiang Province and its municipalities.


During the forum such issues as investment opportunities, sports and society, education, tourism, technology, youth cooperation were discussed.


The Northern Forum was the co-organizer of this international forum.