WhatsApp Image 2022 04 06 at 11.49.52

The International Arctic School of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in cooperation with its partners is delighted to be hosting the First All-Russia Scientific and Practical Conference of schoolchildren with international participation “The Arctic – the Territory of Cooperation”. The Conference will be held from April 26 to 30, 2022. 

The purpose of the Conference and the case tournament (to be held at the same time) is to create an environment for the development of intellectual creativity of students and to enhance interregional and international communication on current issues of the Northern and Arctic regions.

Conference languages: English (conference sections), Russian (the case tournament).

Format: online.

Schoolchildren over the age of 12 are invited to participate in the Conference.

The best works will be awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees and published in the Conference Proceedings. Scientific supervisors of the winners and prize-winners of the Conference will be awarded with diplomas. The participation in the conference events as well as publication of articles is free of charge. 

Information support and registration for the event on the website of the International Arctic School: https://arctic-school.com/spc-arctics/.

Applications are accepted until April 20, 2022.

Please feel free to connect with the Organizing Committee:


We look forward to welcoming you at the conference!

Source: The International Arctic School