HighNorthEntrepreneurs 2022 flyer page 0001

We have a pleasure to invite start-ups and entrepreneurs to apply for High North Young Entrepreneur contest 2022 in Bodø, Norway.

The High North Young Entrepreneur contest is an international pitch competition of Arctic-related business ideas of young entrepreneurs and start-ups. The contest final is a part of the annual High North Dialogue conference in Bodø where three start-ups will have an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to thousand conference participants - Arctic experts and leaders, and to win financial funding for their business: 50 000 NOK.

Criteria of application:

  • Companies and individual entrepreneurs from any country and sphere are eligible to apply;
  • Age of the applicant – up to 40 years old. Company – max 3 year old;
  • The application should contain the elements of business plan, including marketing plan and financial aspects;
  • start-up owners or/and a business idea has somehow to be related to the circumpolar North/Arctic;
  • Please tell us why your idea is unique, important and doable.

The organizers cover travel and stay costs of the finalists in Bodø on April 6, 2022.

You can submit your application here: High North Young Entrepreneur 2022 - Nettskjema

Deadline for application is march 10, 2022.

Send e-mail if you have any questions about application to:

Learn more at: High North Young Entrepreneur – High North Dialogue

HighNorthEntrepreneurs 2022 flyer page 0002