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What is permafrost and is it eternal? What happens if the underground ice melts? And how can a bicycle help the Antarctic? Answers to these and other questions can be found on the pages of the first children’s book about permafrost in Russian, The Secrets of Permafrost, published by Future Books Publishing House, specializing in educational children’s literature, and the Association for the Northern Territories Development Assistance The Northern Forum Academy. 

The Secrets of Permafrost is the fourth printed book by Yakutian writer Lidia Tarasova. Being a non-fiction caution tale, the story tells about complex natural phenomena in a simple way and forms ecological thinking in the young readers.

Lidiya Tarasova

The scientific consultant of the project was Nikita Tananaev, Leading Researcher of Melnikov Permafrost Institute SD RAS, Candidate of Geography. Mr. Tananaev moved from Moscow to Yakutia to study rivers and lakes in permafrost and the impact of climate change on the state of soil and water bodies.

In September 2021, The Secrets of Permafrost were presented at the Northern Sustainable Development Forum and received a lot of positive feedback. Colorful illustrations by artist Olga Kilina make the book especially interesting for the children aged 6-12.

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Permafrost was formed many millennia ago during the Ice Age. Global climate change, multiplied by many technogenic and anthropogenic factors, results in permafrost thawing, which releases methane, enhancing the greenhouse effect; thus, the circle comes full.

These days, ecological lifestyle is being actively transmitted through cartoons, books, and popular bloggers. “Start with yourself and inspire others,” says the heroine of The Secrets of Permafrost, because caring for the planet’s ecology is everyone’s business.

Book link: https://www.northernforum.org/en/about-nf/documents/category/43-publications