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The second meeting of the Northern Forum Secretariat and the Chairman of the Northern Forum, Governor of Lapland (Finland) Mika Riipi took place today.

We discussed various issues of the Northern Forum, including many interesting proposals from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, opportunities for improving the activities of the Northern Forum Working Groups, participation of the Northern Forum in International Forums and Conferences.


The great news is that Lapland is going to hire a specialist specifically to work with the Northern Forum on all matters. We are very happy about this! We are sure that this will have a positive effect on the entire work of the Northern Forum.


It was decided to continue such meetings of the Secretariat of the Northern Forum and the Governor of Lapland Mika Riipi every two months. We are very grateful to Mika Riipi for such a wonderful opportunity for dialogue and we believe that our meetings are very important for the effective work of the organization.