Finland's Chairmanship of the Arctic Council: Exploring Common Solutions in Arctic Meteorology
The country of Finland serves as Chair of the Arctic Council through May 2019. As part of its Chairmanship goals, Finland has committed to advancing meteorological cooperation and capacity building. Further developing meteorological cooperation allows for improved monitoring and observation networks, better management of climate and water-related risks, and more accurate forecasting of meteorological phenomena in the Arctic. Toward this goal, Finland organized the Arctic Meteorology Summit in Levi, Lapland, Finland in March 2018. One of the many productive components of the meeting was the engaging, sustained dialogue between different yet related stakeholders.
In an effort to continue this work, the Embassy of Finland in the US, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, and the Wilson Center's Polar Initiative will convene a broad spectrum of representatives to share the results and recommendations from the March meeting, and further advance and explore the current state of Arctic meteorology and the future needs of the scientific community. Confirmed speakers include Ambassador Aleksi Härkönen, Director General Juhani Damski, Director General Arní Snorrason, Director Jouni Pulliainen, and Director Carven Scott; additional speakers will be announced. See a more detailed schedule on the event webpage.
A reception will be held at the Embassy of Finland at the conclusion of the event (transportation provided); please email us separately to RSVP for the reception.
Made possible with support from our sponsors.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:00pm to 4:30pm
6th Floor Auditorium
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Wilson Center Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania, Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20004
Phone: 202.691.4000
Want to attend but can’t? View the webcast on our webpage.
Media guests, including TV crews, should RSVP directly with Jack Durkee. Media bringing heavy electronics MUST indicate this in their response so they may be admitted into the building.
