Quebec, Canada is hosting the Arctic
Council’s PAME Working Group meeting on February 12-14, 2018.
PAME Working Group's activities are directed towards protection of the Arctic
marine environment. Increased economic activity and significant changes due to
climatic processes are resulting in increased use of Arctic marine and coastal
environments, as well as opportunities and threats to the sustainable development of
the Northern territories.
These changes require more integrated approaches to address
challenges of the Arctic marine ecosystem and coastal areas conservation.
PAME's mandate is to address policy and non-emergency pollution prevention
and control measures related to the protection of the Arctic marine environment from
both land and sea-based activities. These include Arctic states coordinated action
programs and development of guidelines complementing existing legal arrangements.
The main agenda items of PAME meeting are Pan-Arctic Network of Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs), Protection from Invasive Species, Arctic Marine Shipping
activities, Arctic Offshore Resource Exploration and Development, Ecosystem-based
Approach to Management, Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics
the Arctic and other issues.
In light of the NF efforts to incorporate a regional component in the Arctic
Council’s work, as well as to make an effective use of our Observer status in the
Arctic Council, the Northern Forum is represented by James Gamble, the AIA Executive Director with some proposals for this event.