
Beautiful picture posting available at: https://www.drive2.ru/c/2444361/

Khibiny Mountains are the highest ones on the Kola Peninsula. The Khibiny resemble in shape a horseshoe openned to the east. The mountains are very old and therefore, not high, but there you can find picturesque valleys, untouched arctic and glacial landscapes which remained from the Neolithic period, as well as the highest waterfall in the north. The Khibiny Mountains have good conditions for downhill skiing, trekking, camping and any outdoor activities.

The Khibiny are unique for their soil composition and mineral deposits. A lot of minerals that are of great importance were discovered in the Khibiny, many of them were found for the first time. The deposits attract scientists from all over the country. The Khibiny can be called the natural geological museum. The world richest deposits of phosphorus-containing apatite, sphene, titan, and many other rare elements form the basis for the mining industry in the north of Russia. The flora of the mountains is also unique. Quite a few endemic plant species grow there. Coniferous forests are represented by pine forests and spruce forests. Birches can be found growing at the foothills and on the slopes. The mountain tops have practically no vegetation at all.