NIK 8265

The event was organized by the North-Eastern Federal University, the international organization of the northern regions "Northern Forum" and with the support of the Murmansk State Technical University.

On November 2, Murmansk hosted the International Round Table “Arctic Landmark: RACAR Priority Scientific Research”. The participants discussed a number of key issues about the activities of the Russian-Asian Consortium for Arctic Research, such as priority areas of scientific activity, potential projects for international cooperation between Russian and Asian universities that are members of the Consortium.

Leading experts and researchers from Russian, Chinese and Indian universities and organizations took part.

During the Round Table, an ever-increasing interest in the Consortium was noted not only from universities and scientific institutions in Russia, but also from China, India, South Korea and Indonesia, and proposals were made for the further development of scientific cooperation.

According to the organizers, a number of events are planned for the further work of the Consortium by the end of the year. The main event will be the Second Meeting of the Consortium within the framework of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum in Yakutsk on November 28 - December 1. In early December, with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo, it is planned to hold an exhibition of the consortium's universities in New Delhi and an expert session on Russian-Indian cooperation in the Arctic.

Reference: On June 11, 2022, the Declaration on the establishment of the Russian-Asian Consortium for Arctic Research was signed in Yakutsk, as well as its first meeting. The initiative to create this Consortium received official support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic of the Russian Federation. 13 leading universities, research institutes and organizations of the Russian Federation specializing in sustainable development of the Arctic have decided to become members of the Consortium.