
Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Federation and Federal Center for Continuing Education and Organization of Recreation and Recreation of Children are conducting All-Russian Arctic Lesson.

Lesson topics:

• Ecosystem of the Arctic: save or lose (5 - 6 grade)

• Polar expeditions: history and nowadays (7 - 8 grade)

• Mineral resources of the Arctic: explored and unexplored wealth of the country (9 - 10 grade)

• The Northern Sea Route - the driver of the development of Russia (10-11 grade)



• attracting the attention of educational organizations and youth to the topic of studying the Arctic;

• expanding and deepening the knowledge of students on the conservation of natural resources in the Arctic and the interaction of society with the environment;

• fostering a sense of duty and responsibility for preserving the natural resources and wildlife of the Arctic.


We invite teachers and pupils of grades 5-11 to take part in the All-Russian Arctic Lesson, materials for the lesson can be downloaded from the link http://arctic.fedcdo.ru/.

All organizers and participants of the lesson will receive certificates, an example of the certificate can be downloaded from the link: http://arctic.fedcdo.ru/.


The report on the Arctic Lesson is provided by educational organizations in the attached form: https://forms.gle/niDrjYh8VBJbAsdE8