1997 (54-63)
Res#054 On Holding The General Assembly of the Northern Forum in 1997 in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Res#055 Concerning Holding The Sports Festival (Games of Ancestors)
Res#056 Concerning the Approval of Members to the Board of Directors
Res#057 Concerning the Election of an Executive Director (Corporate President)
Res#058 Concerning the Election of a Corporate Vice President
Res#059 Concerning a Change in the Definition of Membership I (Eligibility of Federal Cities, Subjects of the Russian Federation)
Res#060 Concerning the Acknowledgement of Chairman Eriksen
Res#061 Reduced Membership Fee for Small and Medium Sized Business
Res#062 Concerning the Approval of the Northern Forum Business Peoples Conference
Res#063 Concerning the Election of a Corporate Vice President and Corporate Secretary-Treasurer of the Northern Forum, Inc.
Res#064 Appreciation for Stephen C. Cowper as Executive Director
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