1995 (27-46)
Res#027 Concerning the Approval of Members to the Board of Directors
Res#028 Concerning an Amendment to the Bylaws of the Northern Forum Inc. providing for an orderly replacement procedure for outgoing directors
Res#029 Concerning the Election of an Interim Executive Director (Corporate President)
Res#030 Concerning the Election of a Corporate Vice President
Res#031 Concerning Procedures for Drafting Committees
Res#032 Concerning Criteria to be Met by Priority Project
Res#033 Concerning the Endorsement of Projects
Res#034 Concerning The Approval of the Noethern Forum Academy Chapter and Bylaws
Res#035 Concerning the Approval of the Creation of an Assuciation of Universities and Colleges
Res#036 Concerning the Establishment of a Third Vice Chairmanship and Succession of the Chairmanship When Prematurely Vacated
Res#037 Recognition of Service by Executive Diretor, Steven Shropshire
Res#038 Concerning the Arctic Council
Res#039 Concerning Clarifications in Definition and Change in the Entitlements of Membership II
Res#040 Concerning Clarifications in the Entitlements of Membership I and II
Res#041 Concerning Clarifications in the Entitlements and Acceptance of of Membership III
Res#042 Concerning Clarifications in the Definition, Entitlements and Acceptance of Membership IV
Res#043 Concerning the Election of an Executive Director (Corporate President)
Res#044 Concerning the Creation of a Special Membership Fee Category For Membership I and II Entities With Small Populations
Res#045 Concerning a Change of the Accounting Cycle
Res#046 Concerning Association and Cooperation with the International Symposium on Cold Region Development (ISCORD)
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